Table of Contents Right Click Menus
The Map Menu can be invoked by right clicking on the Map header in the Table of Contents:
The map background color may be changed and the map coordinate system may be viewed from this menu.
How to use the Table of Contents Right Click Menu
1. Right-click on a feature name or multiple feature names within the table of contents.
2. Select a command from the Table of Contents right-click menu.
TOC Layer Right Click Menu
The Table of Contents (TOC) right-click layer menu contains several commands associated with feature manipulation. The TOC right-click menu is opened by selecting one or more features in the TOC and right-clicking.
Remove Layer - Removes layers from the TOC without affecting the associated source files
Delete Files - Removes layers from the TOC and also deletes the associated source files
Zoom to Layer - Fits the map display to the selected layer(s)
Select Features - Opens a selection submenu
Select All - Selects all features associated with the layer(s) selected in the TOC
Clear Selection - Clears the selection of features
Invert Selection - Unselects features that are currently selected and selects those features that are not currently selected
Select Clockwise Features - Selects all features that are counterclockwise (applies only to layers containing polygon features)
Select Counterclockwise Features - Selects all feature that have a counterclockwise sense (applies only to layers containing polygon features)
Show Labels - Turns the display of labels on and off for layer(s)
LAS File Analyst - LAS File Analyst provides the user with a full capability LAS file analyst and repair method. LAS File Analyst is invoked by right clicking on a LAS layer in the TOC and selecting it from the menu.
Feature Analyst - Invokes the Feature Analyst Dialog, which allows users to view/edit the attributes of features, parts and tabs on the current layer.
Schema Editor - Invokes the Feature Schema Editor
Merge Feature Layers - If you select two or more features in the TOC, the Merge Feature Layers command will appear in the right-click menu.
Merge LAS Layers - Allows user to merge selected layers onto an existing layer or a newly created layer. The target layer can be one of the selected layers. This is not a copy operation. Permissions of the associated las files can be set to either Read-Only or Read-Write. LAS Version, PDRF and GPS Time must be the same for layers to merge, otherwise an error message will appear.
Export - Exports a feature layer to a file; options include SHP, DGN (V7&V8), DXF, and KML.
Transparency - Invokes the Transparency dialog, allowing you to adjust layer transparency
Rename - Allows you to rename a layer
Set Path - Invokes the File Browse dialog, allowing you to reconnect layers in the TOC to their associated files (layers can become disconnected from their associated files if a project is moved in the directory structure.)
Export LAZ Files - Compresses the selected LAS files and exports them to LAZ formatting. Will export files to same folder as corresponding LAS files or to a single folder of your choosing.
Export LAS SRS Files - This command allows the user to export a single ".SRS" file per LAS file on the layer. SRS file(s) will be saved to the same location as the LAS file(s). A .SRS file operates the same way as a .PRJ file.
Set Layer SRS to Project SRS - Sets the Layer's SRS to be the entire project's SRS. Uses the Project SRS set in the Coordinate System Utility.
Set Project SRS to Layer SRS - Sets the project's SRS to be the layer's SRS. Uses the Project SRS set in the Coordinate System Utility.
Open Location in Explorer - Opens the associated file folder containing the contents of the selected Feature/Raster/LAS Layer.
Properties - Selecting this command invoke the Properties dialog for the layer
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