Edit Fields Dialog
About Editing Fields
Clicking the “Edit Fields…” button on the main property page shows the Edit Fields dialog. The Edit Fields dialog allows you to import the schema from an existing DBF file, add new fields, edit existing fields, and remove the existing fields.
How to Edit Fields
1. From the 'Main Property' page of the Attribute Editor Point Cloud Task, click the Edit Fields button to open the Editing Fields dialog.
2. Select the following ways to alter the fields:
- + (add)
- - Clicking the '+' (add) button brings up the Add Field Dialog.
- Edit Field
- - Selecting a row in the 'Fields' Grid and clicking the Edit Field button
brings up the Edit Field Dialog.
- - (remove)
- - Clicking the 'X' (remove) button removes selected fields from the grid and as well as from the output DBF file.
- Load from DBF...
- - Clicking the Load from DBF button brings up the Windows standard Open Dialog to select the DBF file and populate the grid below with the name, type, length, and precision from DBF file.
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