LP360 Point Cloud Tasks
Point Cloud Tasks in LP360 are a set of tools designed for configuring and executing filters and extractors on LIDAR data. Each task is designed as a specific type of operation and has a set of parameters that can be modified so that you can customize it for a particular data set or way that you wish to use the task. Tasks can be combined in any number of ways, giving you a wide variety of ways that you can filter, extract, and interpret data.
The following out-of-the-box point cloud tasks are available in LP360:
Adaptive TIN Ground Filter (Advanced license required): Designed to separate points that have a high probability of being ground points from other points. The algorithm divides the task area into cells for which X and Y dimensions are defined by a Seed parameter. For each cell, a "best" candidate ground point is selected. These "seed" points are then used to construct a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN). The algorithm then iterates, attempting to add points to the TIN, based on several inclusion criteria. The iterations conclude when either the specified stopping criteria is met, or no additional points are added during the previous iteration.
Attribute Editor (Standard license required): Allows you to add new fields, remove existing fields, and set values to attributes in shapefiles.
Basic Filter (Standard license required): Classifies points based on definitions of basic point filters. Practical uses of this task include transferring or swapping points from one class to another.
Classify by Feature (Standard license required): Assigns classifications to points with a spatial relationship to other features. You can use any vector layer in the map to classify points that are within distances of linear or point features or completely within polygon features.
Classify by Statistics (Standard license required): Classifies points based on a statistical analysis of a grid which you specify.
Conflation (Standard license required): Collects the input required to conflate elevation values to vector data.
Cross Sections (Standard license required): Generates vertical cuts (cross-sections or profiles) of the point cloud at a specified interval along a line ("alignment"). The cross-sections can be optionally clipped to a circumscribing polygon such as the definition of the base of a stockpile.
Draw Shapes Features (Standard license required): Allows you to output Shapefiles from input geometry using the I/O Manager.
Duplicate Points Classifier: The Duplicate Points Classifier PCT detects and classifies duplicate points.
Grid Generator (Basic license required): Allows the user to superimpose a cell grid over an input geometry and/or LAS Layer. Also has tools for clipping the grid extent.
GeoCode LIDAR (Deprecated): The GeoCode LIDAR Point Cloud Task is used to convert laser scanned range data to LAS format projected LIDAR Points.
Ground Cleanup Filter (Standard license required): Cleans up areas where the ground classification has left unclassified patches. It can also be used for automatic ground extraction in localized areas.
Height Filter (Standard license required): Classifies points based on the height from a ground surface. You can define ranges to classify one or more height bins at a time. Practical uses of this class include classifying points not in the ground, or building classifications to low, medium, or high vegetation classes. A more refined definition of height bins can be used to summarize the point data for use in vegetation-type models that use statistical metrics of the point cloud.
Intensity From RGB (Standard license required): Synthetically generates intensity values based on RGB values and populates the Intensity field in the LAS file.
LAS Data Smoothing
Low/Isolated Point Filter (Advanced License required): Classifies noise points based on if it is significantly lower or isolated from its neighbors.
Macro (Standard license required): This is a special instance of a point cloud task that is used to create an ordered set of tasks that are executed over similar geographic areas. An example of a macro task is the 'Default Building Filter/Extractor' task that executes a building filter first, then a building extractor task second. With the Macro "task", you can create your own set of ordered tasks.
Merge Point Clouds
Model Key Points Filter (Advanced license required): Classifies model key points into a separate class to reduce the source point density based on a surface error model.
Planar Point Filter (Advanced license required): Classifies points by fitting points to defined planes, for example, building rooftops.
Planar Statistics (Basic license required): Attributes a drawn polygon with planar extraction statistics.
Point Cloud Statistics Extractor (Basic license required): Extracts point cloud statistics into geographic files. A practical use of this task is to create automated Q/A reports of the point cloud.
Point Group Tracing and Squaring (Advanced license required): Traces outlines around point groupings and optionally squares the outlines. A practical use of this class type is drawing outlines around points classified as buildings and using the squaring option to approximate the outline of buildings.
Powerline Extractor
Proximity Classifier
Rail Extractor (Advanced license required): Detects and classifies rails based on detection properties that you define in the Rail Extraction properties. "Seed" lines are used to define the location of the rails.
Reproject/Shift LAS (Basic license required): This new Point Cloud Task supports LAS Shift/Reproject operations to a new output file. It writes output .srs files with the same base filename as the output LAS file(s).
Smoothing-Respacing (Standard license required): Smooths given geometry (lines or polygons) using the Douglas-Peuker algorithm. The given geometry is respaced by adding or removing points.
Statistical Noise Point Filter (Advanced license required): Used to find points that fit a "noise" criterion. These points are then moved to the specified Destination Class. The Statistical Noise Point Cloud Task is intended to be used for smoothing near-horizontal surfaces, such as ground. It could be applied following ground classification where the resultant ground is "noisy" as a result of laser range precision ("noisy" range) or surface characteristics.
Toe Extractor (Advanced license required): Automatically creates a polygonal toe for volumetric computations of clean stockpiles. Optionally, it can also automatically classify overhead structures that are well separated from the pile such as conveyors.
Volumetric Analysis (Standard license required): Computes the volume difference between two TINs, as defined by a circumscribing polygon and its LAS points.
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