Volumetric LAS Output Property Page
The elements on the LAS Output tab control the generation of optional LAS file(s). The points from the selected LAS Point Source (either hull or base) determine the XY coordinates of the output points as well as the LAS Version, point format, most attributes, etc.). The Z value of an output point is the difference in elevation between the hull and base surface at the point XY coordinate.Output LAS File(s) – Specifies the creation of an output LAS file. An Advanced license will be required for this option to work.
LAS Point Source – Select which LAS layer to use as the source of points and to determine output LAS Version, point format, etc. If hull is picked, the LAS Layer used to generate the interior surface for the hull will be used. If base is picked, the LAS Layer used to generate the interior surface for the base will be used. If only one operand used LAS points to generate its interior surface, that LAS point source will be used regardless of what is picked here. If neither operand used LAS Points to generate its interior surface, no LAS File output will be generated.
Negate Output Z Value – Flips the sign of the output Z value. The default is hull minus base. Checking the box will compute the Z value as base minus hull.
Destination Class – Specifies the class for the output points.
Synthetic/Withheld/Key-point/Overlap – The states of these checkboxes determine how these attributes are set on the output points.
Cookie Cut into Regular Tiles – Specifies tiling the output LAS file into separate files. This may be desirable if you have dense data and/or are covering large areas.
By Size – If you are tiling the output LAS file, this option tiles by a size you specify.
By Number of Tiles – If you are tiling the output LAS file, this option tiles by how many tiles (files) wide and high the output should be. This will auto-compute the tile size for you at run-time.
Width – The tile width in map units (By Size option only).
Height – The tile height in map units (By Size option only).
Rows – The number of tiles in the vertical direction (By Number of Tiles option only).
Cols – The number of tiles in the horizontal direction (By Number of Tiles option only).
File Naming Method – This specifies the file-naming method of the tiles. See Specifying a File Naming Method for more information.
LAS Output File – The output file name. If the Cookie Cut into Regular Tiles option is used, this is a folder name.
How To Define the Optional LAS Output Properties
- Set up a new Volumetric Analysis task.
- Click the LAS Output tab. This set of steps will set up the generation of a volumetric LAS output file.
- Select the Output LAS File(s) checkbox.
- Under LAS Point Source, select either the Hull or Base to use as the source of points for the LAS output file. The points from the LAS Point Source determine the XY coordinates of the output points, while the Z value is computed as the difference in elevation between the hull and base surface at the point XY coordinate. The layer used to generate the interior surface of the option chosen here is the layer used in the generation of the output file. The layer chosen here will also determine which output LAS version, point format, etc. will be used.
Note If only one operand used LAS Points to generate its interior surface, that LAS Point Source will be used regardless of what is picked here. If neither operand used LAS Points to generate its interior surface, no LAS File output will be generated. - Select the Negate Output Z Value to flip the sign of the output Z value. The default is hull minus base. Clicking this option will compute the Z value as base minus hull instead.
- Select the class to use for the output points in the Destination Class drop-down menu.
- Select how the attributes are set up on the output points using any of the available options: Synthetic, Key-point, Withheld, Overlap.
- Select Cookie Cut into Regular Tiles to break the output LAS file into tiles. This may be desirable if you have dense data and/or are covering large areas.
- If you selected Cookie Cut into Regular Tiles, do one of the following:
- Select By Size to specify the output tile size. Then specify the tile Width and Height in map units.
- Select By Number of Tiles to specify how many tiles (files) wide and high the output should be. This will auto-compute the tile size for you at run time. Then specify the number of tiles in each row in the Rows field (number of tiles in vertical position) and the number of tiles in each column in the Columns field(number of tiles in horizontal position).
- Specify a File Naming Method. See Specifying a File Naming Method for descriptions of each available method.
- Click the browse button next to the LAS Output Folder field. The I/O Manager will display.
- Click the folder button in the available File/Folder cell, and type a filename if you are not tiling the output. If you have specified that tiles be created, then select the folder in which to store the output files. Click OK.
- Click the Add to Map checkbox (in the Volumetric Output LAS row) if you want to add the LAS file as a layer to the map.
- Close the I/O Manager.
- Click Apply at the bottom of the window.
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