Volume Property Page
About the Volume Property Page
The Volume Property page allows you to define a filename and location for the output polygon (.shp) file produced by the Volumetric Analysis task. You are also given the option to add this new file as a layer to the map.Output Polygon File – The shapefile to which the attributed output polygon is written.
The attributes in the output shapefile can be seen after the Volumetric task is run on the Identify tab. The attribute definitions are as follows:
ID - the output file's unique identifier.
Volume - the computed volume difference between the hull and base.
Cut - the difference of the areas with a positive volume comparison (example: A polygon drawn around the base of a hill would result in a volume labeled Cut).
Fill - the difference of the areas with a negative volume comparison (example: A polygon drawn around a hole would result in a volume labeled Fill).
HullGSD - the hull ground sample distance.
HullMaxZ - the maximum elevation value of the hull.
HullMinZ - the minimum elevation value of the hull.
HullArea - the area of the hull.
Name - the name of the output shapefile.
PerimArea - the area of the overall polygon.
BaseGSD - the base ground sample distance.
BaseMaxZ - the maximum elevation value of the base.
BaseMinZ - the minimum elevation value of the base.
BaseArea - the area of the base.
Units - the metric units used.
Geometry - the points outlining the polygon.
How To Define the Volumetric Output Polygon File
This set of steps will specify the shapefile to which the Volumetric output polygon is written.
Set up a new Volumetric Analysis task.
Click the Volume tab.
Click the browse button next to the Output Polygon File field. The I/O Manager will display again.
In the available drop-down menu under File/Folder, click the folder button and then type a filename and browse to a location in which to save the output SHP file that will contain the volume properties. Click Save.
In the Output Mode list, select Append to combine the new file with an existing file, or Overwrite to replace an existing file.
Click the Add to Map checkbox (also in the Volumetric Output Polygon row) if you want to add the output file as a layer to the map.
Close the I/O Manager.
Set the Volume Computation Method to Cut - Fill, Fill - Cut, Cut, or Fill.
Set the Output Volume Units. These can be in Feet, Yards, or Meters.
Check any of the additional output attributes that you want. These can be Cut Volume, Fill Volume, or Diagnostic Attributes
Click Apply at the bottom of the window to continue.
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