Auto Create Flight Lines
The next step in processing is to take the real-time trajectory of the flight and segment it into only those sections you need for data generation. This allows you to eliminate sections of the flight that were not over the area of interest or where you simply do not need to generate data. For example, the transit legs to/from the home location. Having a single trajectory file for each flight line – each segment of interest – also assists if you need to do any system calibration (flight line matching) downstream. These individual flight segments are referred to as flight lines.
The flight lines are generated from the [XXX]_TrajectoryPoints layer. LP360 will use these points to create vectors representing the flight lines and add them to a layer called [XXX]_FlightLines.
How to Create Flight Lines
1. Click the Auto Create Flight Lines button. The dialog box shown below will appear.
2. Clicking Compute Flight Lines will generate the segmented flight lines and display them in the map view. You can re-compute the lines multiple times until you are satisfied with the results before pressing Close to finalize the lines.
3. You can adjust the Min Length, Radius and Deviation settings to control how LP360 creates the flight lines from the trajectory points.
Min Length will eliminate individual flight lines shorter than X.
Radius eliminates all points within X of the end turning point of the flight line.
Deviation breaks a single line in to two separate lines when the distance of a point is greater than X from the current line center.
4. When you are satisfied with the results displayed in the map view, press Close to finalize the flight line creation. This will add a _FlightLines layer to your project.
5. You can use the Select tool to manually select and delete any flight line you do not want to keep. Be sure to both Delete and then Save your changes.
The flight lines you just created are stored as a .SHP file in the Flight\Positions sub folder of your project.
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