Number of Points and Resolution
This caption displays the number of points and the resolution currently drawn in the map. The percentage value will range from 0% (no points drawn) to 100% (all points drawn). In general, as the map is zoomed in, the percentage will increase towards 100% and as the map is zoomed out, the percentage will decrease towards 0%. The percentage will be displayed in an undetermined state, such as CAN or OVF if drawing is cancelled while retrieving points (CAN) or the maximum number of points to cache is exceeded (OVF). The active LIDAR Layer is the source of the number of points and resolution.
Number of Points Displayed
Maximum Number of Points to Cache is Exceeded (OVF) Displayed
The display properties of the LIDAR Layer, such as the number of points per refresh and the point cache size, can be modified to set ranges of the displayed values. These values are set on the LIDAR Layer Display Performance Options Tab.
Learn more about the number of points per refresh.
Learn more about the maximum point cache size.
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