LIDAR Layer Draw Types
A LIDAR Layer can be displayed as points and/or triangles representing the TIN surface. You may also display no data using the None option, without toggling the layer's visibility or unloading the LAS files within the layer. Using the None option is useful when you want to display only the contours for the LIDAR surface.
LIDAR Layer with Points Displayed
Example of a LIDAR Layer with Triangles Displayed
How to Change Draw Types for a LIDAR Layer
Draw Type Command
Click the arrow next to the Draw Type command on the LP360 toolbar. This will display a box containing all draw types.
- Click a draw type button.
Points - Only point data from the LAS files is displayed.
TIN Surface - This draw type displays the shaded triangles drawn from the points in the LAS file.
Points on the TIN Surface - This display contains both the TIN surface and the data points from which the triangles are drawn.
Wireframe of TIN Surface - This display contains the drawn triangles of the TIN without center-shading of the triangles.
Points on Wireframe of TIN - This display contains the unshaded triangles of the TIN and the points from which the triangles are drawn.
Note - For a no-points display in the map, use the LIDAR Layer Legend Type command. When the command is selected, the map is displayed using the legend type selected in the associated legend type menu. When the command is unselected, no points are displayed in the map.
To increase productivity when switching from one draw type to another, create accelerator keys for each draw type button.
When the normal TIN (non-wireframe) surface is displayed, hold the Shift key down and refresh the window by performing an action (e.g., pan, zoom, etc.). You will then see the wireframe of the TIN. It is a quick way to toggle between the wireframe and non-wireframe display of the TIN surface.
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