Displaying Contours in the 3D Window
About Contours
Contours, or lines of equal elevation, can be toggled on and off. The contours are generated from the set of LIDAR points that are drawn in the map or 3D window or from the TIN surface that is displayed in the map or 3D window. Contours are mutually exclusive from the Draw Type setting (e.g., points, TIN, etc.), thus contours can be displayed individually in the map or 3D window.By default, the contour interval is system calculated. The properties that control the contour interval, as well as the symbols used for the intermediate and index contours, can be modified using the Contour Legend property page. See The Contour Legend Property Page for more information.
When displaying contours, you can use the regular Display Contours setting, which causes the LIDAR data to display definitive corners and edges; or you can use the Smooth Contours settings, which uses corner vertex spacing to round, or smooth, the contour corners. This corner vertex spacing number can also be set on the Contour Legend Property Page. If you are zoomed out far in your map or 3D window, you may not see a vast difference between regular contours and smooth contours, but when you zoom in significantly, you will see the definitive or smooth corners or edges, depending on the type of contours you have selected to display.
How to Toggle the Display of Contours for the Map View
1. Click the Display Contours command on the LP360 toolbar to toggle the display of the contours.
2. Select either Display Contours or Smooth Contours .
How to Toggle the Display of Contours for the 3D Window
1. Click the Display Contours command on the 3D Window.
2. Select either Display Contours or Smooth Contours .
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