Modifying the Source/Selection Filter (Profile Window)
About the Source/Selection Filter
The source/selection filter is designed to allow you to define a set of points that is selectable within the profile dialog. This is particularly useful for excluding points (e.g., ground, and/or model key points) from the possibility of being selected and consequently edited.The points that are selected when using the editing tools are an intersection between the display filter (i.e., points displayed on the screen) and the source/selection filter ( i.e., the points that can be selected). This means that points that are drawn on the screen will not be selected regardless if the source/selection filter includes that point. It is highly suggested that the display filter define a broader point set than the source/selection filter. A warning message will display if the source/selection filter includes a classification, return combination, or elevation range that is not included in the display filter (e.g., ground not included in the display filter, but included in the source/selection filter).
Learn more about the display filter
Example of the Source/Selection Filter
Selecting Points Around an Object using an Elevation Mask |
Points Committed to a "Reserved" Class |
How to Modify the Source/Selection Filter
Source/Selection Filter Button
1. Click the Source/Selection Filter button . The standard filter dialog will appear.
2. Modify the filter to define a set of points that will only select the desired points you wish to edit.
3. Click OK to save the changes made to the source/selection filter.
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