1. Introduction
In this article we will explain step by step how to process a TrueView GO (TVGO) handheld mapping dataset in LP360. The idea of the article is to serve as a quick user guide on processing. This article will not explain in detail each of the settings available in each step, that can be found either in the help section or in the LP360 Land User guide.
2. Import
- Select “Import Raw Missions into New Project…”
- Select “TrueView GO”.
- Press “Folder” to import the raw data from the sensor. You can select 1 or more cycles (datasets) to be process in the same project.
Note: the very first time you select TVGO data the software will ask you to install the LP360 sensor extension.
- Settings, the TrueView Go Advanced Settings provides extra settings to the TVGO processing
Colorization Method: this setting controls the colorization type required
- None: generates a non-colorized point cloud
- Fast: Recommended colorization point cloud
- High Precision: Highly intensive colorization that preserves better the real features colours. However, it is time consuming.
Note: This setting requires a NVIDIA graphics card. It is recommended a 3050Ti series and above GPU, Intel Corei7 and above CPU.
Scene Type: this setting helps the algorithm to improve the 3D reconstruction
- Indoor (No GNSS): Recommended for Indoor areas. It will be automatically selected if the user select “SLAM” mode.
- Outdoor (GNSS): Recommended for Outdoor areas with GNSS reception. It will be automatically selected if the user selects “RTK” or “PPK” mode.
- Mixed Indoor and Outdoor: Recommended for projects with areas outdoor and indoor, in this type of projects most of the work is done outside with GNSS reception, however there will be small areas surveyed indoor without GNSS reception.
- Moving Objects Filter: Filter that will try to clean moving objects from the point cloud.
- Apply Settings to All Cycles: Select this option to apply the same settings selected to all the cycles.
Colorization Method: this setting controls the colorization type required
- Now, select the processing mode in the "RTK/PPK Mode" column. There are 3 different types:
- SLAM--> dataset acquired in a local coordinate system
- RTK --> dataset georeferenced with a global coordinate system. The user needs to select the RTK Geographic CRS. The most common geographic CRS are: "WGS84 + Ellipsoidal" (world), "NAD83(2011) + Ellipsoidal" (CONUS) and "ETRS89 + Ellipsoidal" (Europe).
- PPK --> dataset georeferenced with a global coordinate system, it requires a base station. The user needs to select a rinex file and the coordinates of the base station.

- Press Next.
- Select the Project Root Folder and the Project Name.
- Select the desired CRS.

Tip: Select "Local Coordinate system" for SLAM datasets
- Press Next –> The summary will be display –> Press next.
- Data imported.
3. Point Cloud generation
Once the cycles are imported into LP360, it will start automatically processing the raw data.
3.1. Job manager
- Go to "Sensor" ribbon -->"Job Manager".

- Wait until the processing has completed and the job is in the Ready state, then select the job and press "Complete Job".
- In older version, there is a message asking if you want to proceed with creating "Flight Lines" or "Post Processing". Tip: If you want to filter based on the trajectory, select "Create Flight Lines". It is possible to access "Auto Create Flight Lines" and "Post Processing" from the "Sensor" tab of the ribbon later, if desired.
- The point cloud is generated without filters.
3.2. Post Processing to filter the point cloud
- Go to Sensor ribbon –> Post Processing tool.
- Select the Clip Angle. Tip: Disable the filter for TVGO since we want to use the full 360° FOV of the sensor.
- Select the Clip Range.

- Run Post Processing …
- Post processing point cloud is generated.

What is the difference between the point cloud directly from the TGO in job manager and the post processing?
Both point clouds come from the same raw data, however one has all the data captured from the sensor (TGO point cloud) and the other is filtered by the defined "flight lines" and filters of the "Post Processing" tool.
In the following example it is possible to see how the clip range filter has removed long range points captured by the sensor. Recall the TVGO has a range of up to 80 meters.

4. Control Points Processing
It is possible to georeferenced the point cloud using control points surveyed with the TVGO during the scanning.
A minimum of 4 control points are needed to properly reference a point cloud, increasing this number will improve point cloud alignment even further. Remember to Place the metal tip over the control point and click “Add control point” on the tablet.
GCP measurement
Control Points workflow:
1. Create a CSV
2. The first four comma-separated columns must be name northing, easting, elevation in the Project CRS, example of the format:
3. For a GCP to be used, the name must match the name used at collection time
4. Copy the file at: <rawFolder>\GPS\Ctrl
5. Import the data into LP360 LAND and continue the processing
It is possible to check the name used during the surveying with the TVGO by opening with notepad the file <rawFolder>\GPS\Ctrl\ctrl.point
After this step we recommend continuing with the TrueView recommended workflow. Some of the steps recommended are:
If you have multiple TVGO datasets, it is highly recommended to perform "Registration" before doing any additional processing.
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