Modifying the Grow Window
About the Grow Window
The Grow Window parameter is a moving window size used to group points based on the Boundary Trace Class. The moving window will be a square with length and width twice the value. This moving window is fit around an initial point and a surface growing process occurs grouping points with the same classification and within a distance specified by grow window parameters. The grow window value should approximate the ground sample distance, or be slightly larger.Effects of Increasing or Decreasing the Grow Window
- Increasing Value: Increasing the grow window value above the point spacing could result in grouping adjacent objects into single objects (e.g., adjacent buildings traced into one building).
- Decreasing Value: Decreasing the grow window value below the maximum point spacing could result in splitting of a single object into multiple objects (e.g., a single building into more than one building). There is a trade-off between grouping adjacent objects into one object and splitting one object into multiple objects that is a function of the point density of the point cloud data.
How to Modify the Grow Window
Grow Window Text Box
- On the Point Group Tracing and Squaring property page, type a new Grow Window value into the Grow Window Text Box.
- Click the Apply button to commit the change.
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