Modifying the Maximum Patch Area
About the Maximum Patch Area
The maximum patch area size is the maximum size in area that the moving window is allowed to grow before terminating. The smaller the value for the patch area size the more polygons there will be that will require dissolving in order to yield the final boundaries. The larger the patch area size the less overlapping polygons there will be. A large patch area size will run slower, however a small patch area size will take more time to perform the dissolve step. Testing has shown that a value of 5000 squared feet is an acceptable value for a wide array of data sets. The maximum patch area size should always be larger than the trace window size squared.How to Modify the Maximum Patch Area
Patch Area Text Box
- On the Point Group Tracing and Squaring property page, type the new Maximum Patch Area in the patch area box.
- Click the Apply button to commit the change.
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