Add Files Options
The Options settings on the Add Files dialog box provides some flexibility with the way files are opened and added to layers. You can choose to add the files you are opening to existing layers or you can create new layers, depending on how the criteria in the files match up. See Add LAS Files File List for more information on how the information contained in LAS files determines how the layers are created. You also have the option to pyramid the files as the layer is being created. This helps to improve the display performance for large files.
Learn more about the LIDAR Layer
How to use the Options in the Add Files dialog box
Click the Add Data command on the LP360 toolbar. The Add LAS Files dialog will open.
Select the files to open, as specified in Adding Files in LP360 for ArcMap or Adding Files in LP360 for Windows.
Set the following Options according to your preferences for opening the selected LAS files.
Check Append to Compatible Layers to recompute the map layer and add the selected files to an existing map layer if one exists. Leaving this option unselected will create a new layer with only the selected files.
Note If you do not want to append the selected files to an existing layer, the new layer will be opened in the table of contents (TOC) as a NEW layer. You can rename the layer in the TOC after it is created.
Check Ignore CRS to ignore the LAS file coordinate system when computing compatible map layers.
Check Pyramid to create pyramid levels at the same time you add the files to a layer. If you are adding LAS files, enter a Thinning Factor to specify how many levels are created in the pyramid.
Learn more about pyramiding files as they are added to a layer.
Note - An intermediate thinning factor of 16 is recommended.
Finish creating the Layer as specified in Creating a LIDAR Layer in LP360 for ArcMap or Creating a Layer in LP360 for Windows and then click OK.
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