Add LAS Files File List
The file list on the LAS Files tab displays all files that you have selected for creating a LIDAR Layer. You can select one or more files to add (using the Add Files button) or one or more folders (using the Add Folder button) from which to add the files. The information contained in the header of each LAS file is displayed in columns on the grid. The scroll bar at the bottom allows you to scroll to view every column. The scroll bar on the right allows you to scroll to view the data displayed for every LAS file selected. You can also click on any column to sort on that item.
Data Columns
The total number of files selected and the number of selected rows are shown in the label above the File list. Under File is a list of the filenames of the selected files. A Validity status is also displayed under the green check mark . These two columns are fixed and cannot be scrolled away, so you will always be able to line up a file's data with the filename the data represents. The file size, the LIDAR Layer that the file will be included in, number of points, and LAS File version are only a few types of data displayed. These are a few of the basic columns that are always displayed by default. Many other categories are considered Advanced columns, which you can display by clicking the Advanced Columns button
. Learn more about displaying Advanced Columns. Also, several of the columns display the Sum, Total, Minimum, and Maximum values in the footer row of the file list, such as in the Points column below.
The following is a complete list of data columns. Basic data columns are shown in blue. The remaining columns are considered to be Advanced Columns.
Valid File, Folder, Points (Number of Point Records), Size (MB), Date, Map Layer, Message, Coordinate System, WKT, Version, PDRF (Point Data Record Format), QVR File, GPS Time, Compatibility Group, File Signature, File Source ID, Waveform Data Internal, Waveform Data External, Synthetic Return Numbers, CRS is WKT, Project ID (GUID), System Identifier, Generating Software, File Creation Day of Year, File Creation Year, File Creation Date, Header Size, Offset to Point Data, Point Data Record Length, Points by Return, Total Points by Return, X Scale Factor, Y Scale Factor, Z Scale Factor, X Offset, Y Offset, Z Offset, Min X, Min Y, Min Z, Max X, Max Y, Max Z, Waveform Data Offset,Number of VLRs, Number of ELVRs, Variable Length Records, Extended Variable Length Records
The validity status is displayed under the green check mark in the first column . This column cannot be moved. Files that are successfully opened as LAS Files have a green check mark in the column. If any files are determined to be invalid LAS files, then the Validity column will contain a red X
, and then the error condition will be listed in the Message column. Files marked as invalid will not be loaded. A Warning icon
may also appear. Files with a Warning state may be loaded, but a non-critical problem was found with the file. For example, the Number of Point Records may not equal the Sum Total of all Points by Return. Warnings also display the problem in the Message column.
LIDAR Layers
The LAS files in the list will be grouped into layers, depending on their values for required common criteria, so that only compatible LAS files will be on a single layer. Criteria required for compatibility include:
The coordinate system (when available)
LAS format version
Point Data Record Format (PDRF)
GPS Time format
LAS files must have these 4 criteria in common to be considered compatible and grouped into the same layer. LP360 will create as many layers as necessary to represent each file selected to be opened. The Map Layer name is computed based on compatibility with other LAS files in the list or with any existing layers (if you choose to Append the LAS files to compatible layers). You can see in the Map Layer column which layer each LAS file will belong to.
For more information on using the Add LAS Files dialog box, see Creating a Layer from LAS Files.
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