Exporting LIDAR Data to ASCII XYZ Files
LIDAR point attributes can be exported to ASCII files using LP360's Export Wizard. In the exported output file, each line in represents a point, and a delimiting character such as a comma, tab, or space is used to separate the attributes for each point. The Export Wizard allows you to define which attributes to export and in which order they will be in the output file.
Example exported enzi ASCII file (Comma delimited)
Some software that uses ASCII XYZ files require that the first line include the field or attribute names for each file. You may include or exclude the headers in the export, depending on which software you want to use the ASCII files in.
Example exported enzi ASCII file (Comma delimited with headers)
The possible header names used and their corresponding point attributes are as follows:
x - x coordinate (easting)
y - y coordinate (northing)
z - z coordinate (elevation)
inten - intensity
class - classification
psid - Point Source ID
RetNum - Return Number
NumRet - Number of Returns
scanangl - Scan Angle
userdata - User defined data
PntNum - Point Number
timestamp - Timestamp (GPS Week or POSIX)
Red - Red color value
Green - Green color value
Blue - Blue color value
LAS file from which the point originates. For example, if the LAS file stored the x and y coordinates with a scale of 0.01, then a point's x and y coordinates in the file will be written to the ASCII file with a precision of 2. Likewise, if the z coordinate for that same point is stored in the LAS file with a scale of 0.001, then the z coordinate would be written to the ASCII file with a precision of 3.
How to Export LIDAR Data to ASCII XYZ Files
This is the method for completing Step 1 of the Export Wizard for ASCII XYZ output only.
Open the LP360 Export Wizard by clicking the Export LIDAR Data command on the LP360 toolbar. The Export Wizard dialog will open with the Step 1 of 3 page displayed.
Click the arrow in the Export Type list, and select Points.
Click the arrow in the Export Format list, and select ASCII XYZ.
Click the Source Points button to define which points you want to export. See Modifying the Point Filter for LIDAR Export for more information.
In the Point Attributes to Export list, select one or more LIDAR point attributes to include in the ASCII file.
If you want to change the order of the point attributes as they are listed, select the attribute, and then click the Move Up and Move Down buttons.
In the Delimiter list, select the delimiter that will be used for the output ASCII file.
Select the Include Headers in File(s) checkbox if you want the attribute names to be inserted at the top of each ASCII file.
Click Next to go to the next step in the Export Wizard.
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