Export Format (Step 1 of 3)
Selecting the export type and format, along with related input properties is the first of three steps in the process of converting LIDAR data to another format in LP360's Export Wizard. The point filter can also be modified in this step to regulate the LIDAR points exported or used in the creation of a surface.
Step 1: Select the Export Format
Selecting the Export Type, Format, and Properties and Modifying the Export Point Filter
Open the Export Wizard by clicking the Export LIDAR Data command on the LP360 toolbar. The Export LAS Files dialog will open with the Step 1 of 3 page displayed.
Click the arrow in the Export Type list and select either Point or Surface. The procedure for completing further steps is dependent on your final export format. See the links below for more information about setting up the export for each output format.
Exporting Point Types
Exporting Surface Types
If applicable, specify any other parameters relevant to your export on the dialog box. The dialog changes to require different parameters for different Export Formats.
Use the Output Coordinate System group to set the output coordinate system. Information about the output coordinate system is displayed within the box to the left. Click the 'Select...' button to open the Select Output Coordinate System dialog, where you may change the output coordinate system. Check the appropriate checkboxes for EPSG (GeoTIFF) and WKT (Well Known Text).
Click the Next button to go to the next step.
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