How to Use Help
Contents Tab
Click or double-click the books to open the topics within the book. Click each topic to view the help pages.
Index Tab
Type one or more keywords in the textbox. Double-click the index item to open the page associated with that item.
Search Tab
Type the word or combination of words to search for in the help system. All the topics in the Help system will be searched for the word or words entered. Topics containing the word or combination of words are displayed. Double-click an item to open the page associated with that item. When using a combination of words, use double quotation marks to string the words together in the search.
Topic Pages
Each topic page will discuss the topic in the "About" section of the help page. The "How To" section is the set of step-by-step instructions for completing the task.
Sections - Click the plus and minus buttons to expand or collapse the sections and/or graphics.
Related Topics - Click the Related Topics button at the top of each help page to view other help pages that may be of interest in relation to the current topic.
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