Editing Points using a Paint Brush (Profile Window)
About the Paint Brush Tools
There are three paint brush tools for editing points: small, medium, and large. The paint brushes are shaped as a rectangle. The tools select and modify all points that are within the extent or path of the rectangle when the you are pressing the left mouse button. The destination classification is denoted by the currently selected classification in the destination class box or by pressing a number key to commit the selection to the classification which represents the number.Only those points drawn on the screen can be selected and edited. Points that do not qualify according to the display filter or current legend will NOT be drawn on the screen. If points are committed to a classification that currently is not included in the display filter or legend, the points will disappear in the refresh of the profile window after the commit of the points are complete. If points are committed to a classification that is included in the filter and legend, the points will be colored with its respective color for the classification.
Note: The points drawn in the profile window are always at 100% resolution regardless of the scale of the map containing the active LIDAR Layer.
Example of the Paint Brush Edit Tools
Drag the mouse with the left mouse button pressed to select points |
Points Committed to "4-Medium Vegetation" |
Example of committing points to "4-Medium Vegetation", which are excluded in the display filter |
Learn more about modifying the destination classification
How Edit Points Using Paint Brushes
Small, Medium, and Large Paint Brush Tools
Tool Requirements
1. Click the appropriate paint brush tool for the application. You may also use the following accelerator keys for the small, medium, and large tools respectively: Ctrl+J, Ctrl+K, Ctrl+L.
2. Click to select the points within the rectangular cursor. Dragging the mouse with the left button pressed will select all points within the path of the rectangle.
3. To commit the selected points, press the space bar for the currently selected destination classification, or a number key corresponding to the correct destination classification. If a number key is used, that number or classification is now the currently selected destination classification.
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