Profile Context Menu
The user can invoke the Profile View context menu by holding Ctrl and right clicking in the Profile View.
Persist Edit Geometry
The user may toggle on Persist Edit Geometry. The user can now persist the edit geometry (i.e., lines when using the edit above or below, or polygon) between profiles. When toggled in the on position, points will automatically get selected based on the relationship to the persisted edit geometry. Pressing the space bar or the 0-9 number key will commit the points. Double click to end the geometry when defining the line or polygon. An escape or right click will cancel the current edit geometry. To toggle to the persistance state of the edit geometry, press the ctrl key and right click in the profile view when using the edit above, below or within polygon tools. The context menu will also contain a setting to automatically commit the selected points when moving the profile.
Automatically Commit Points
The other context menu setting is to toggle on or off the ability to automatically commit the selected points when moving the profile.
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