Note: While the Arctoolbox tools are still an option within the product, the introduction of LAS File Analyst in v2018.1 and the ReProject/Shift LAS PCT in v2017.1, the new tools provide more efficient and robust tools and are now the recommended tools to use. |
Define LAS File Projection is used to define or assign a projection for one or more LAS files.
ReProject LAS Files is used to modify the coordinates of a LAS file by reprojecting from a known input coordinate system to a known output coordinate system.
Scale LAS Files is often used to apply a scale to the LAS coordinates, such as scaling to a ground reference system or converting from meters to US feet.
Shift LAS Files is often used to shift the coordinates in a LAS file such as may be done when shifting and scaling from a grid to ground coordinate reference system.
LP360 Has a Set of Four Tools Accessed via the ArcToolbox
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