A user changes the license level in License Manager, yet the same level of license is still granted on checkout.
Probable Resolution #1:
This was a known issue with LP360 v2018.1.57.0. Install LP360 2018.1 Service Pack A, v2018.1.57.4, or later from the LP360 Installers page.
Probable Resolution #2:
Close License Manager, reopen, and then try again.
Probable Resolution #3:
A network policy may be preventing the modification of an existing preference file created by an admin user during installation and setup. Rename the "LP360LicPrefs.xml" found in "C:\ProgramData\LP360" so that the program will create a new one for the non-admin user.
Probable Resolution #4:
If the checked out license is an LP360 Viewer (Roaming) license:
- Close LP360.
- Delete the lic files found in C:\ProgramData\LP360 and C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Roaming\LP360, where %user% is the user name with which you're logged into Windows
- Delete the contents of the C:\ProgramData\Reprise folder.
- Try to check out a higher level license.
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