1. Introduction
It is possible to process only the Nadir camera in Agisoft Ortho Mapping for payloads with multiple cameras. The main advantage is that the processing time is shorter, around half of the processing time compared to using the three cameras.
The main disadvantage is that we lose the vertical feature details of the oblique cameras, as well as reduce the FOV of the cameras.
To follow this workflow, we recommend having at least 40% sidelap in the Nadir camera. This means around 55% LiDAR sidelap for the TV535 when working with an 80° FOV in the LiDAR.
2. Pre-requisites
Single Nadir camera workflow must be used within the sensor processing workflow. It can only be used after performing the following steps:
- Import the Cycle(s) into LP360 Drone.
- Process the sensor trajectory using the Trajectory Processing wizard.
- Generate flight lines,
- Create TrueView trajectories, with the settings "update Photo EXIF tags" selected.
- (Recommended) Perform LiDAR Geocoding.
3. Workflow
- Copy the "RetainedPhoto" layer (RetainedPhoto_copy).
- Right-click on the RetainedPhoto layer.
- Copy Feature Layer -> Name it as "RetainedPhoto_copy" and select a folder.
- Go to the copied layer (RetainedPhoto_copy) -> Right click -> Feature Analyst.
Filter-->CameraID-->1 - Select all (ctrl + a) -> Delete.
- Filter -> CameraID ->2.
- Select all (ctrl + a) -> Delete.
- Remove any filter, and check that only camera 3 (Nadir) remains.
- On the "Feature edit" tab --> Select Save Edits.
- Repeat for each Cycle.
- In Agisoft Ortho Mapping, select the RetainedPhoto_copy that contains only the camera 3 (Nadir) for each Cycle.
- Select settings and Submit Ortho Mapping Job.
a. (Recommended) Use a DEM with the ground and buildings, it will reduce the processing time. - Monitor the Job Manager for the job to finish --> When Ready, select "Complete Job" to add the Ortho and/or point cloud to your project.
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