Re-Path Project Dialog
You can set a default data path for your current project by setting a project path. If you wish to change the path of a project you have been working on, you can use the Re-Path Project dialog to find all instances of the specified path and replace it with a new one. When the program is finished, the project will be re-opened and a project backup file (*_backup.xml) will be created in the same folder as the original path.
How to Use the Re-Path Project Dialog
In order to set a new path for a project, click 'File' and then scroll down and select 'Re-Path Project' to open the Re-Path Project dialog.
'Find Path' - Here is where you will put in the path you wish to replace. Use the [...] button to browse for a folder.
'Replace Path' - Here is where you set the new path. Use the [...] button to browse for a folder.
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