LP360 1.5.1 Release Notes
New Features
- Check for Updates Commands
Check for Updates commands have been added to the main LP360 tool bar in ArcMap™ and to the License Administrator. The check for updates commands direct the user to the QCoherent website with the current CD Key and build number. The website displays the current user CD Key information including whether they have purchased maintenance and support and if the are running the most current build. A link is provided on the web page to download the latest build of LP360.
- LP360 User Surveys
Evaluation and permanent users of LP360 can now fill out a survey describing their experience with LP360. The survey information will be vital for evaluating and understanding the needs and experiences of our users. Permanent users can access the survey from the CD Key information web page and evaluation users access the survey from the expiration dialog.
- Intensity Shading
Points and the TIN surface can now be shaded by intensity values allowing the display of intensity to be blended with any of the standard legend displays. Intensity shading is also available in the 3D viewer dialog.
Note: Intensity shading will only work properly with valid intensity values stored in the LAS file(s).
- Toggle Hillshading
The hillshading that is applied to the TIN surface in the orthographic and perspective view can be toggled on and off.
- Sun Position Control
The azimuth and altitude of the sun position can be modified to change the illumination of the hillshading of the TIN surface in the orthographic and perspective view. This is useful for illuminating shadow areas that are created due to the default positioning of the sun.
Note: The illumination position of the sun in ArcGIS is a setting of the data frame or map on the "Illumination" tab.
- Intensity Surface Export
Intensity values can now be exported to a raster similar to the existing surface attributes currently available (elevation, slope, aspect, hillshade).
- QA/QC Toolset
Tools specifically organized and designed to facilitate the consistent QA/QC of LIDAR data have been added to LP360 in the form of the LP360 QA/QC Toolbar. Below are descriptions of each new tool:
- Map Jump: jumps the map in any cardinal direction by the user configurable map jump percent. Useful for panning the map and ensuring an overlap on each view.
- 3D Viewer Follows Map Jumps: when using the map jump tool, toggle to force the 3D viewer to be set to the extent of the map.
- Center 3D and Profile Viewer on Mouse Click: centers the existing 3D extent or profile on the location of a mouse click.
- Create a QA/QC Layer: creates a polygon shapefile to store issue features.
- Add Issue Tools (Rectangular, Polygon, Circle): adds a new issue feature to the active or target QA/QC layer. Allows the user to select an issue statement to store as an attribute in the database.
- Delete Issue Tool: deletes the issue feature clicked on.
- Edit Issue Attribute Tool: allows the user to edit the issue statement assigned to an issue feature
- Profile Graticles
Graticles lines and text can now be displayed in the profile window for making quick visual measurements of profiles. The lines and text can be customized to the user's desired spacing, symbol, and font. Horizontal and vertical graticules are independently controlled to allow the user to achieve their desired objective.
Modifications to Existing Features
- Export Raster to ASCII XYZ
In addition to exporting to Binary and ASCII Raster files, the user can now select the ASCII XYZ format to export grid cell values. The user can specify to include a header, select the delimiter, and choose to include other derived surface attributes such as slope, aspect, and hillshade.
- Use Selected Features option when cookie cutting by polygons
The user may now use the selected features within the polygon layer selected to cookie cut LIDAR data.
- Copy to Clipboard Button
When receiving errors or general messages from LP360, the user may use the "Copy to Clipboard" button to copy the contents of the message to the clipboard for emailing, etc.
- Performance Enhancements for ASCII XYZ+ Import
ASCII XYZ+'s importing performance has been improved.
- Performance and Capacity Enhancements for Surface Exports
Performance and capacity related issues were addressed for surface exports using thousands of loaded LAS files.
- Use of Definition Query for Control Point Layer
Control points that are loaded into the control point report dialog will now honor the definition query that is used for the layer.
- Option to Use Explorer Style Dialog when Browsing for LAS Files
Appears in build: 39
Due to performance problems associated with using the ArcGIS file navigation dialog with thousands of LAS files, an option has been added to allow users to take advantage of the file explorer when selecting LAS files.
- Added Double and Float Fields to Cookie Cut by Polygons in Export
Appears in build: 40
Double and float field types will now appear in the field list when cookie cutting by polygons in the export wizard.
- Profile drape state continued after panning or zooming
Appears in build: 49
The profile drape state in the profile window will stay turned on after panning or zooming the profile. The drape state will only toggle off if the user zooms the profile out beyond the longest draped profile.
- Carriage return and linefeed characters added to ASCII exports
Appears in build: 49
All ASCII based exports have trailing carriage returns and linefeeds at the end of the file.
Defect Fixes
- Exporting map to a file or printing with LIDAR Layer
Fix appears in build: 33
Exporting the map to a file or printing the map when LIDAR Layers existed in the map did not produce expected results, especially when displaying in the TIN mode. This has now been fixed, and a LIDAR Layer should export and print as it appears on the screen.
- X and Y Coordinates of LAS points incorrect after Toolbox Shift and/or Scale
Error appeared in build: 32
Fix appears in build: 37
When performing shifts and scales on only one coordinate (i.e., x, y, or z), the resulting points within the created LAS files may be incorrect. This has been resolved and correct points are written to the LAS files regardless of the combination of x, y, or z shift and/or scale.
- LAS file is locked after changing the state from Read/Write to Read
Fix appears in build: 38
On some large LAS files located over a network the file can become locked after changing the state of the file back to Read from a Read/Write state. Trying to remove QVR files resulting in "already in use" messages was also an indirect problem. This issue has been resolved.
- Shading for vertical scales other than 1
Error appeared in build: 32
Fix appears in build: 42
Shading of the TIN surface when using vertical scales other than 1 in the viewer window was improperly applied. This has been corrected. Also the capability of changing the vertical scale for the 2D layer was also added. Currently the vertical scale for the LAS Layer can only be applied programmatically using the ILiDARDisplay interface. Changing the vertical scale in the 2D layer and viewer window is helpful for handling instances where LAS files are in mixed horizontal and vertical units such as feet and meters.
- Blocked void areas in raster exports
Error appeared in build: 32
Fix appears in build: 47
Square void areas were randomly appearing in exported rasters. The defect causing these errors has been resolved, however void areas can still be the result of failures in the export when using breaklines. These are likely the result of topological errors in the breaklines themselves.
- Scan Angle not displayed correctly in Identify
Error appeared in build: 32
Fix appears in build: 44
The scan angle attribute for an LAS point was not displayed properly in the Identify dialog with ArcGIS. This has been resolved.
- Empty Fields in ASCII Files causes import error
Error appeared in build: 41
Fix appears in build: 45
Extra space on each line in a space delimited text file was causing an error in the import.
- Fix for OpenGL on select graphic cards
Fix appears in build: 46
Due to incorrect set up within LP360, OpenGL was unable to support select graphics cards.
- Export Performance with Very Large Areas
Fix appears in build: 46
Exports involving very large areas such as county wide rasters have been significantly improved. In situations where it was recommended to use cookie cutting and then mosaic rasters, the export can be done in one continuous raster file (assuming it does not exceed any filesize limitations).
- Raster Size Limitation Fix
Error appeared in build: 41
Fix appears in build: 46
Rasters over the 4.2 GB size are now created correctly within LP360.
- Triangular holes or artifacts in thinned points
Error appeared in build: 41
Fix appears in build: 46
The triangular holes appearing in thinned point sets for display purposes have now been resolved.
- Two Projection keys in reprojected LAS files
Error appeared in build: 41
Fix appears in build: 48
After reprojecting LAS files, two projection keys were inserted into the VLR section of the LAS files. This has been resolved.
- Profile box not refreshing properly when using center viewers tool
Error appeared in build: 41
Fix appears in build: 49
The profile box will now be refreshed properly after executing the center viewers tool.
- Surface not refreshing properly in the map after committing edits in the profile window.
Error appeared in build: 41
Fix appears in build: 49
Areas outside of the extent of the profile were not invalidated properly within the map after committing an edit in the profile window when displaying surface related items such as the TIN surface and/or contours. The map is now invalidated and refreshed properly after committing edits in the profile window when displaying surface related items in the map.
- Points not selected properly in map during or after displaying the surface
Error appeared in build: 41
Fix appears in build: 49
Points were not getting selected properly in the map when displaying the TIN surface and/or contours. This has been resolved and all points should get selected properly using the paint brush tools when displaying points, TIN surface, and/or contours.
- ASCII XYZ export precision not consistent with LAS files
Error appeared in build: 41
Fix appears in build: 49
Precision of points exported to ASCII XYZ files were sometimes not consistent with the precision of the LAS files.
- Thinned points very inconsistent on the edge of dataset when displaying in TIN mode
Error appeared in build: 41
Fix appears in build: 49
The number of thinned points displayed when using the TIN mode at the edges of datasets was very inconsistent. This was due to the coarse thin surface used to find critical surface points outside of the extent to complete the surface within the view. A finer resolution thin surface is now being used by invoking the use of the optThinExtentWidth and Height settings. The defaults are set to 1000 map units which means void areas exceeding a size of 1000 map units (such as ponds and lakes) could possibly have nodata values within them.
- Contour mis-labeling
Error appeared in build: 41
Fix appears in build: 50
Contours for very tight areas (specifically on the edges of datasets where lines are crowded) were mis-labeled in the stitching contour step of export.
- Breakline enforcement errors
Error appeared in build: 50
Fix appears in build: 51
Intermittently when using breakline enforcements specifically in exports, the triangulation of the mass points and breaklines would fail resulting in blocks of no-datas.
- Double buffer added to cookie cut by polygons
Error appeared in build: 50
Fix appears in build: 52
An additional buffer was being added to rasters created using the cookie cut by polygons and the buffer options. The additional buffer was being added in the form of no-data values.
- Exported raster centered on cell size
Error appeared in build: 50
Fix appears in build: 53
Previously exported rasters were centered over the export extent without consideration to making the corners divisible by the cell size. This has been changed so that the extent is adjusted so that each corner of the raster is divisible by the cell size. The extent is adjusted outward so that the final raster extent covers the user desired export extent.
- Memory Leak when exporting annotation
Error appeared in build: 53
Fix appears in build: 54
A memory leak while exporting annotation with contours was isolated and fixed.
- Fix for LAS files where VLR count did not match actual VLR records
Error appeared in build: 53
Fix appears in build: 54
Some LAS files were being created by other software vendors where the VLR count was not consistent with the actual number of VLR records in the LAS file.
- Critical surface point (CSP) fix
Error appeared in build: 54
Fix appears in build: 55
The critical surface points (CSP) were not being selected correctly for a de-generate case, resulting in void areas within the exported raster.
- Coincident Breaklines Fix
Error appeared in build: 54
Fix appears in build: 56
Coincident breaklines with different z values were causing triangulation issues. This issue has been resolved. When breaklines are horizontally coincident (i.e., z values could differ), the vertices encountered first are used in the TIN surface.
- Numerical Precision Problem in Export
Error appeared in build: 54
Fix appears in build: 56
On rare occasions export would be not work properly due to precision problems between two very similar numbers resulting in improper results from basic relational operations such as greater than, less than, or equals.
- Number of Columns Incorrect in Import when using Start Row > 1
Error appeared in build: 55
Fix appears in build: 56
The number of columns recognized in a text file was incorrect when using a start row of greater than one. This was only an issue when the first line in the file was not similar to the start row. If the first line was not similar to the start row, the number of columns in the last step of the import wizard was incorrect, thus resulting in the inability to completely setup the import of the text file(s).
- Incorrect Scale and Offset used in Import
Error appeared in build: 55
Fix appears in build: 56
On rare occasions the incorrect scale and offset was not being computed correctly when using more than one text file to import. Using the incorrect scale and offset parameters in the resulting LAS file, created a significant horizontal shift of the point coordinates within the file.
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