LP360 2018.2 Release Notes
New Features
Live View tool for creating and modifying visualization filters has been extensively updated. Tools have been added for filtering by Point Source ID, Scan Angle, Elevation, and Intensity. Also added new overlay rendering for visualizations such as multi-level flood fill.
New Point Cloud Task Manager - The Point Cloud Tasks (PCT) Manager organizes PCT instances into user-named Groups for easy access. In addition there are Favorites buttons to allow quick selection of task instances from within a Group.
LIDAR seamline analysis tool added to LP360 (has previously been in LP360 for ArcGIS only)
"Zero of Zero point return" correction tool added to LAS File Analyst
Renumber Flight Line Tool (Change Point Source ID) added to LAS File Analyst
Multithreaded to Improve Performance
Multithreaded Ground Classifier PCT - now 3x faster
Multithreaded the Basic Filter PCT - now 10x faster
Multithreaded the Export from Surface functions (e.g. export from surface to gridded raster) - obeys Nyquist sampling criteria, which is vitally important for dense data sets
New Raster Export formats - GeoTIFF and IMG
Added Duplicate Points Classifier PCT - Finds Duplicate points (points with both coincident geometry) and reclassify or flags the resultant points based on user selections.
New raster DEM import function has been added to allow import raster DEMs with conversion to LAS
Import and Export of KML/KMZ files
Transformation of the Spatial Reference System (coordinate system) on Feature import
Synchronize active LAS Layer mode added to Table of Contents - Allows rapid manipulation when more than one LAS layer is in use.
Statistical Median mode added to Conflation tools
Merge lines mode added to Feature Edit Tools - Merge the geometry of two selected line features into a single feature on the same layer
Double line Drain ("River Flattening") tool added to LP360 (has always been in LP360 for ArcGIS) - This tool projects Z values perpendicular from the centerline onto vertices of a polygon in order to flatten the polygon's surface to the flow of the centerline.
New edit tools to Disassemble and Assemble multi-part features
Added support for Australian Geoid: AUSGeoid2020.
Added vertical and horizontal guides to the profile view when moving a vertex in the map view.
Added LPScanInfo command line executable that will generate the ".scan" XML file from an input LAS file.
Added Union command to Feature Edit toolbar that will union the selected polygons and create a single feature on the target layer.
Added Intersect command to Feature Edit toolbar that will intersect the 2 selected polygons and create a single intersection feature on the target layer.
Bug Fixes
- Warning Message added for telling user file is locked if trying to manually classify locked files. (173)
- Added Map option to Import from ASCII/MG4. (2941)
- Fixed an issue that prevented the planar filter from executing from a macro within a preview window. (4867)
- When a shapefile is generated by the Statictics PCT, a PRJ file is also generated that matches the input LIDAR data. (5628)
- Fixed an issue where manual profile export to SHP did not generate a PRJ file. (5738)
- Fixed an issue where 2D features were unable to have conflation values added to their attributes table. (6672)
- Added Global Encoding Value as header column in LAS File Analyst. (6713)
- Fixed an issue that crashing while digitizing 3D features when an e-mail client was not configured. (6914)
- Fixed an issue that caused LP360 to crash when in Classify by Feature PCT. (7265)
- Fixed an issue that caused LP360 to crash when running Rail extractor if centerline had 0 points. (7266)
- Fixed an issue that caused Control Points Dialog to crash when there was no coordinate system file defined for LAS file. (7271)
- Fixed an issue that caused stack overflow to crash when running MKP filter. (7289)
- Added support for DXF files to feature layer. (7295)
- Added Export to SHP file option in TOC right-click menu. (7497)
- Fixed an issue that caused Pure Drape to fail when there was no coordinate system information. (7651)
- Fixed an issue that caused Uphill/Downhill Analysis test in Feature Analyst to fail on flat slopes. (7736)
- Added Feature Analyst command to right-click Feature Edit tool menu. (7751)
- Added number of features processed to the Run by Feature layer command. (7911)
- Added EPSG code for NAVD88 International Feet. (7931)
- Added total number of returns to Returns by Intensity dialog. (7994)
- Fixed an issue that caused multipart polygons with interiors to generate errors in classify by features. (8015)
- Fixed an issue that caused selected vertices to not show in map when selecting vertex rows. (8057)
- Added Scan Angle and GPS Time to Identity dialog inspector. (8059)
- Fixed an issue that caused Feature Analyst to crash if a new downstream feature was created that caused new summary attributes to be added to the layer schema. (8106)
- Updated the Create Feature dialog - 2D/3D Line is now 2D/3D Polyline. (8108)
- Added M value to Inspect and Set Vertex To dialogs on right-click Feature Edit Map menu. (8110)
- Fixed an issue that caused the profile edit mode to break when changing to PCT or Clip Profile. (8114)
- Fixed an issue that caused Export LIDAR Extents to export more than the loaded points. (8127)
- Fixed an issue that caused a PCT to delay running when run on large projects. (8136)
- Fixed an issue that caused LAS files to remain locked if the project is changed within the same session. (8138)
- Fixed an issue that caused the creation of duplicate layers when re-running a PCT in a new session if previously the output shape was defined without .shp. (8161)
- Fixed an issue with the "Use Destination Points Only" option in the Ground PCT to result in gaps at boundaries. (8168)
- Fixed an issue that caused "Classify only Seed Points" option in the Ground Filter to be very slow to process. (8169)
- Fixed an issue that caused line orientations to be applied incorrectly in breakline enforcement. (8186)
- Fixed an issue that caused Interpolator validation to fail when going from 2D Layer to 3D layer. (8205)
- Added Intensity modulation to Hill Shade export in command line tool LPExport.exe. (8209)
- Fixed an issue where LP360 was unable to read 1.4 LAZ files where a discrepancy between point counts and legacy point counts exists. (8219)
- Fixed an issue where multipart features could not be selected. (8225)
- Fixed an issue that caused Las File Analyst to crash when adding WKT/EPSG codes to LAS files. (8252)
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