GeoCue has had a long association with the Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) where the John A. Dutton e-Education program in the department of Geography uses LP360 in their on-line LIDAR training program. Two of the instructors, Ms. Karen Schuckman and Mr. Mike Renslow, are very well known throughout the LIDAR and photogrammetry communities. Mike and Karen have agreed to share some of their student projects with us for publication in the newsletter. We think these student projects will demonstrate not only the surprisingly sophisticated analysis that students are capable of performing in a few short months of learning but they also demonstrate the wide variety of uses for LIDAR data. This month, we are pleased to present “Exploring the Geographic Extent of Flooding in the Fox River Valley at Cary and Fox River Grove, IL and Its Impact on Housing Using LiDAR and Related Technology” by Mr. Andrew Dolch, one of Mike’s recent students. I think you will agree that this is quite an advanced paper for a student newly introduced to LIDAR data analysis! Exploring the Geographic Extent of Flooding in the Fox River Valley
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