Changing Languages in LP360
LP360 by default will launch in English, unless it’s running on an operating system that is a supported language. Currently the supported languages are Spanish, Japanese, Polish and Chinese.
For LP360 for Windows (both 32-bit and 64-bit), along with LPViewer:
Holding “CTRL+ E” while clicking on the icon to launch the program will launch the program in English. Similarly, “CTRL+ J” for Japanese, “CTRL+ S” for Spanish, “CTRL+ P” for Polish and "Ctrl + C" for Chinese. As support for additional languages is added so will similar shortcuts.
The shortcuts stated above do not work with the LP360 extension for ArcGIS.
For LP360 for ArcGIS or to modify the default language for the packages above:
In the LP360 (32-bit) common files location (typically “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\LP360”) there are four DLL’s installed:
As an administrator with write permissions to the common files folder, and with all ArcGIS sessions closed, make a copy of the DLL that corresponds with the language of your operating system. For example, make a copy of “LPResourcesESN.dll”, if running on a Spanish version of Windows.
Delete the original DLL from which you made the copy. Following the example above, delete “LPResourcesESN.dll”.
Copy the desired language, for example, for English copy “LPResources.dll”, into the same folder to create a file called “LPResources – Copy.dll”.
Rename the copy from step 3 to the same name as the file deleted above in step 2. Following this example, rename “LPResources – Copy.dll” to “LPResourcesESN.dll”.
Open any of the 32-bit versions of LP360 to see the default language has been modified accordingly.
To modify the default for the 64-bit Windows versions of the program repeat the steps above in the LP360 (64-bit) common files location (typically “C:\Program Files\Common Files\QCoherent”).
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