I/O Manager List
Each row corresponds to one I/O field from the task window. The columns are as follows:
· Task - the task "Name". The Active Task Name is also included in the label above the grid.
· I/O - Input/Output type. Either "I" or "O". (read-only)
· Name - the familiar name for the I/O Descriptor. (read-only)
· Type - Drop-down combo containing only the valid types for this I/O Descriptor (Tool Geometry, Layer, File, Folder). Tool Geometry refers to one of the user-digitized or selected feature commands on the toolbar. This cell is editable unless there is only one valid type, then read-only.)
· File/Folder - text cell with Browse button. This displays the current File or Folder defined for the I/O Descriptor. It's enabled only if File/Folder is selected for the Type. The Browse button in this field will display one of the standard Windows Common dialogs based on the values of the Type and I/O:
o File Open Dialog
o File Save As Dialog
o Folder Selector Dialog
· Map Layer - Drop-down list containing the existing available layers. The list of layers will be filtered based on the valid layer types defined by the I/O descriptor (Vector, LAS, Raster).
· Output Mode - option allowing you to specify how to handle a pre-exiting output file. You may choose Append to combine the new file with an existing file, Overwrite to replace an existing file, or Create New File to add a new file without deleting the existing file.
· Add to Map - option allowing you to add the output file as a new layer in the map. This checkbox is enabled based on the setting defined in the IODescriptor.
· Description - I/O Descriptor
The corresponding text field will be updated dynamically as you change values for the selected I/O field.
Quick Set TipAnywhere the LP360 project path/location is needed, you can type the string <LP360_PROJECT_PATH> or click the project path button (shown below) to avoid typing the whole path or browsing for the project. Also, when you hover over the string, a tooltip will appear and display the full project path. Further information about the project path is described in the Project Path topic. |
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