Viewing Raster Layer Properties
About the Raster Layer Properties Dialog Box
The raster layer dialog box contains properties that allow control of the display behavior and appearance of the layer. The settings allow you to control color band display, linear percent clipping, background display, and how to display areas of no available data. Note that display settings for the layer are applied to all raster files on the layer.Display Bands - The Display Band settings allow you to specify which band from a multi-band file to use for each color band (Red, Green, or Blue used for display).
Enable Linear Percent Clip - Linear Percent Clip is a histogram-based stretch in which low and high end points are computed based on the percentage of pixel values from each end of the histogram. The minimum clip value becomes 0 and the maximum clip value becomes 255, with all the other values spread linearly in between. This stretch works well for images in which the majority of the pixels fall between an upper and lower intensity value. This stretch is required for proper display of multi-byte or float type files in which pixel values fall outside the typical 8-bit (0-255) per band range. Pixel Size - This gives the computed average pixel size for the raster layer.
Enable Background Color - If you have an image file that contains a background area around the image itself, you can specify here how to display those areas of the file.
Background Value (R, G, B) - Use this setting to specify 1 value, given in (Red, Green, Blue) format, to display in the manner you select under Display Background As. For example, if you select this option, and key in 0, 0, 0 for the Value, all black pixels or those equaling 0, 0, 0 in the map will be display as transparent or another color that you choose.
Background Value Range (R, G, B) - Use this setting to specify a range of values, given in High and Low (Red, Green, Blue) format, to display in the manner you select under Display Background As. All pixels between the range that you specify will be displayed either transparent or in the color you choose. The High and Low values are examined for each band of a pixel. All bands must fall within their respective range for the pixel to be displayed as the background pixel.
Display Background As - This setting determines how to display the background pixels you specified in the Background Value or Background Value Range. You can choose transparent, or you can specify a color by selecting Color and choosing a color from the color picker.
Enable NoData Color - If your image has NoData values throughout, you can select here how to display the pixels in the NoData areas.Use NoData Value - This is the NoData value defined in the file header. Everywhere on the image that matches these (R, G, B) values will be displayed in the manner you select under Display NoData As.
User-Defined Value - This setting allows you to specify a pixel value to treat as a NoData value. You can either key in a (Red, Green, Blue) value or use the color picker to choose a color.
Display NoData As - This setting determines how to display the NoData values in the image, as specified in the Use Image NoData Value or User-Defined Value. You can choose transparent, or you can specify a color by selecting Color and choosing a color from the color picker.
How to Open the Raster Layer Properties Page
- With the raster layer(s) open, do one of the following:
- Right-click on the layer name in the TOC tab in the contents view (left pane) and select Properties from the context menu.
Right-click on the layer name in the Raster tab in the contents view (left pane) and select Properties from the context menu.
- The Raster Layer Properties dialog box will open. The Display Settings tab will be selected. The SRS tab shows the current coordinate system for the raster layer and lets the user do a reprojection if desired.
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