The LP360 Sketch Tool is a custom ArcGIS™ sketch tool that adds custom functionality to the out-of-the-box ArcGIS sketch tool. The LP360 sketch tool operates the same as the ArcGIS sketch tool. The LP360 Sketch Tool is only available in LP360 for ArcMap. The LP360 Sketch Tool can use the ArcEditor snapping options in the same manner as the ArcGIS Sketch tool does: However, using any of the ArcEditor Vertex tools, such as the reshape or edit vertices, will result in the z values of the vertices being incorrect and the conflation task will need to be run again. The best method is the use the z vertex options available within LP360 and explained below. How to Use the LP360 Sketch Tool
- As a prerequisite to using the LP360 Sketch tool, make sure you have started an editing session from the ArcGIS Editor toolbar.
- Select Create Features within ArcGIS.
- Select the Target dataset to digitize features.
- Select your desired active "Conflate Task" from the LP360 Digitize Breaklines toolbar.
- Now you may select the LP360 sketch tool and begin digitizing features.
- Digitize at least one vertex before using the advanced keyboard or mouse options outlined below.
- Constant Values: If you are using the 'As Constant' setting the z value that is displayed with the cursor location is the z value that will be used for the entire feature.
- As Vertex Values: As vertex values allow the user to assign elevations for specific vertices within the digitized feature. Regardless of the conflation method that is used by the active conflation task, the elevations assigned to the vertices will not be modified. Assigned elevations are displayed beside the vertices. If the elevation is displayed in yellow it is the current z lock position and all subsequent operations that work on the current z lock position will modify that elevation (e.g., R, U, D keys). Elevations for all other z lock positions are displayed in black.
- Surface Z: obtains the z value from the LIDAR surface.
- Lowest Z: obtains the lowest z value of the points within the current snapping tolerance.
- Highest Z: obtains the highest z value of the points within the current snapping tolerance
- Average Z: obtains the average z value of the points within the current snapping tolerance.
- Closest Z: obtains the z value from the closest point.
- From the Options button on the LP360 Digitize Toolbar, left-click the Z Increment Value Command.
- Input a new Z Increment Value into the dialog. The units are in the vertical units of the point cloud data.
- Press Enter to commit the new value or the 'X' icon in the upper right hand side of the dialog to cancel.
- Make sure you have access to an LP360 Standard license or higher
- The sketch will not complete if:
- Files are not open for read/write and the conflate task is set to reclassify
- Conflicting user z locks with conflate task
- The sketch will not have z values if the the ArcGIS sketch tool is used instead of the LP360 sketch tool
- Make all modifications (right-click menu options) to elevation values before sketch is finished
- Once a sketch is completed it cannot be edited with the creation tools
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