The results of extracting the LAS header information from the Point Cloud Statistics Extractor or LDDump may contain EPSG, GeoTIFF or other codes for coordinate systems, datums, units, etc. For GeoTIFF tag or codes:
In here you'll find for example the codes used for Linear Units:
Linear Unit Values (See the ESPG/POSC tables for definition): Linear_Meter = 9001 Linear_Foot = 9002 Linear_Foot_US_Survey = 9003 Linear_Foot_Modified_American = 9004 Linear_Foot_Clarke = 9005 Linear_Foot_Indian = 9006 Linear_Link = 9007 Linear_Link_Benoit = 9008 Linear_Link_Sears = 9009 Linear_Chain_Benoit = 9010 Linear_Chain_Sears = 9011 Linear_Yard_Sears = 9012 Linear_Yard_Indian = 9013 Linear_Fathom = 9014 Linear_Mile_International_Nautical = 9015
For CRS Codes, the Spatial Reference site provides a convenient way to search for them. The EPSG database is the best resource for the latest published EPSG codes. Note: EPSG code 32767 = User-defined
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