Sometimes, when a Conflation Type Point Cloud Task is executed for multiple features, it can appear to delete executed features when the feature type is changed. This occurs when the PCT is configured to run using Tool Geometry and the Output mode is “Append”, and the user changes the type of feature being created.

There is no restriction to this behavior and all three feature file types (point, lines, polygons) are supported. However, only one of the three types may ever be displayed at a single time, since all of them have the same shapefile name as set in the point cloud task I/O manager. In a folder called, “LP360ShapefileStore” backup feature files are created for each feature type under “LineZ”, “PolyZ”, and “PointZ”.

The resulting behavior is that if a user switches the feature type then the feature file of the previous type will no longer be displayed and only the current type is displayed. The information is not lost however, and should one switch back to a previous type, the previously collected features of that type will display once again as the feature file is swapped out. The best scenario, of course, is for a user to use differently named feature files when using different tools to generate the features. That way all different types could be displayed at the same time.
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