During POSPac processing in LP360 Drone, user encounters, "An unexpected error occurred creating the POSPac Export File" while processing the Post Process Trajectory File.

Probable Resolution #1:
This error is likely due to a corrupted POSPac installation. Uninstall all versions of POSPac, including any other older versions, POSPac QC, POSPacCloud, then ensure to also delete these folders:
- %ProgramFiles%\Applanix
- %CommonProgramFiles%\Applanix
- %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Applanix
- %ProgramData%\Applanix
- %LocalAppData%\Applanix
- %AppData%\Applanix
After you have removed all version of POSPac, download the installation package and run the installer. Then try processing again. Just be careful if this is the machine that is also your license server, you will need to take note of the EID, deactivate the license, then activate it again after you get reinstalled. You will also need to reinstall POSPacCloud by uninstalling and then reinstalling LP360.
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