Surface Method in the Control Points Report
The surface method defines how the SurfaceZ values are determined in the control point list. The exact same LIDAR points are used in all of the surface methods; however the interpolation of elevations for each surface method is different.
Learn more about surface methods
How to Select a Surface Method in the Control Points Report
1. Click the Control Points Report command on the Control Points toolbar. The Control Points Report Dialog box will open.
2. Click the arrow next to the Method list and select the surface you want to use.
If you use the IDW method:
Input a radius greater than zero. The radius influences the characteristics of the surface by limiting points around a point being interpolated. Larger radii will use more points in the surface calculation than would a smaller radius.
Input a power greater than 1. The power shifts focus of the interpolation from local to global. A large power results in less influence from surrounding points (nearby data has more influence) resulting in more detail (less smooth). Small power values will result in a smoother surface and give points further away more influence in the interpolation.
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