Measuring Points Compared to Control Points
The Control Points Report dialog is a dynamic control displaying control points and check points in a table and centering any point that you click on in the list in the map. When displaying control points with a raster, you can also collect measurements compared to the points and display the differences in the table in this dialog. The Statistical Summary in the dialog box is comprised of the known control points and the measurement values that you take.
The Measure Mode command in the Control Points Report dialog is a quick way to switch from any zoom or panning tool that is currently being used in the map to "measurement mode".
How to Measure Points from the Control Points Report Dialog
1. Click the Control Point Report command on the Control Points toolbar.
2. Select a point in the points list. The point you select will be centered in the map.
3. If you observe that the point is not centered where it should be, click Measure Mode button in the dialog and then click once where the point should be.
The Measured columns in the table will update with the values from your measurement.
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