Add Files Dialog Box (LP360 for Windows)
The Add Files dialog box in LP360 for Windows is slightly different than the Add Files dialog in LP360 for ArcMap. The LP360 for Windows Add Files dialog is the interface used for opening both LAS and raster files.
On the LAS tab, you can select one or more LAS files to add (using the Add Files button ) or one or more folders (using the Add Folder button
) from which to add the files. The selected files will be grouped into layers, depending on certain criteria, so that only compatible LAS files will be on a single layer. Criteria required for compatibility include:
The coordinate system (when available)
LAS or LAZ format version
Point Data Record Format (PDRF)
GPS Time format
LAS files must have these 4 criteria in common to be considered compatible and grouped into the same layer. LP360 will create as many layers as necessary to represent each file selected to be opened.
On the Raster tab, you can select files or folders in a similar way as on the LAS tab using the Add Files and Add Folder buttons.
You can add both LAS and raster layers at one time on the Add Files dialog.
The file list displays detailed information in columns for every LAS, raster, and Feature/Shape file selected to be added. This information is extracted from the LAS File or raster file header. You can click the columns to sort the data and then see which files are compatible (based on the criteria listed above). By default, only basic information columns are displayed, but you can click the Show Advanced Column button above the window to display much more information. See Add LAS Files File List for more information about the LAS file information displayed in this dialog.
For more information on using the Add Files dialog box, see Creating a Layer from LAS Files.
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