Project Settings
The Project Settings dialog box can be opened from the File menu.
Project Tab
The Project Settings dialog contains settings that are unique to the currently open project. Items on the Project Settings dialog will be saved on a "per project" basis (i.e. - saved in both the LP360 for Windows .xml and the ArcMap .mxd project files).
Default Projects Root Folder
Sets the default project path for creating and saving projects.
Project Path
The string listed in parentheses after the word 'Sets' (Sets <LP360_PROJECT_PATH>) can be used in the I/O Manager where the project path/location needs to be entered, instead of typing out the whole path.
Project Spatial Reference System (SRS)
You can set the project coordinate system by clicking the [...] button in the "Project Spatial Reference System" section.
Map Spatial Reference System (SRS)
In project settings, the user can set the Map SRS to be the SRS defined in the Project Spatial Reference System box, or use the SRS of the active LAS layer. This allows the map or WMS backdrop to reproject based on the option chosen.
Project LAS Area
The Project LAS Area displays the size of the current project. Area can be displayed in acres, feet, kilometers, meters, miles and yards.
Global Tab
On Global tab, add "Use OpenGL 1.1": Sets the flag to use OpenGL 1.1. A restart of the application is required after setting this flag.
This flag is useful if a graphics card doesn't support newer OpenGL versions or if a user is experiencing instability of the application when using the profile view.
Default Source Flags
A user may specify "Default Source Flags" on the Project Settings dialog. One situation where this is useful is when a user has a special condition on Classification Flags. These settings will be defaults for "new" Source Points and Display filters when classifying. This setting only affects newly designed point source filters, not existing ones.
Surface Settings
The Surface settings set a buffer functionality that is used when constructing surfaces for breaklines and LAS points. Primarily used for the Export dialog.
Default Class Names
Lets you import a file with customized class names to be used for future projects.
Map Grid Settings
The Map Grid Settings let you enable and set options for a grid overlay for the Map View.
Display Map Grid – Toggles the grid off and on. This can be set in the dialog or (most usual) by toggling the Map Grid tool bar button.
Spacing – Grid spacing in Map Units (e.g. if the Map Units are meters, entering 10 creates a grid with cells 10 meters on edge)
Max Grid Lines – When zooming out, grid lines become closer and hence more are drawn. This setting turns off the gird when the number of rows or columns will exceed the value you choose
Symbology – Use these settings to adjust the color and thickness of the grid lines
Map Window – The grid origin will be the upper left corner of the Map Window
Map Spatial Reference System – The grid origin will be placed at the horizontal 0, 0 coordinate of the current SRS. This means that if you use an integer for Spacing, the grid will align with integral units of the SRS.
Display/Mouse Settings
Invert Mouse Wheel Zoom - Lets you switch the rotational direction of the zoom setting in the Map View.
Use OpenGL 1.1 -
LP360 Email Notification Settings
Input an email address to be used for notifications from LP360. Currently used to notify user regarding LPLAS completion, and Job Manager start and completion.
Project Epoch Settings
The project epoch is set when the project CRS is selected if one is known for the datum of the selected project CRS. It can be verified (File -> Project Settings -> Project -> Project Epoch) and modified after Import Cycle has completed. Use the decimal year of the Cycle Date for coordinate reference systems using variable ellipsoid and variable epoch, such as the WGS84 datum, otherwise select enter the applicable epoch for the datum of your coordinate reference system. For example, NAD83(2011) has a fixed ellipsoid and variable epoch date of 2010.0. Typically, the epoch date for your project datum should be selected by default.
TrueView Tab
On TrueView tab, add "Local" "QC-Only" and "CLOUD" settings info from the Cloud and Local sections of the LP360 Drone Users Guide.Cloud is set automatic with install, Local should find the install automatically, but may in some situations require the user to manually set it.
TrueView POSPac Settings
Use to map executable to Applanix PosPac desktop or cloud application.
Auto-Download Ephemeris Port Settings
The auto-download of the ephemerides is done through a connection to ( on port 21 using FTP-SSL. Your organization may have only a limted port range open and available for use by the auto-download function causing the auto-download to fail. You can use the TrueView settings tabe in File->Project Settings to limit the port range used by the FTP-SSL secondary data channel to auto-download ephemeris using only TCP ports within the specified range instead of the default, which is to use any port in the 1023-65535 range.
Diagnostics Tab
Diagnostic TIN Display
The user can build a Diagnostic TIN display using normal or smooth contours, the latter of which eliminates noise which can cause contours to become jagged. This display mode works for both the Map View and 3D view when the user has turned on this setting from the Project Settings dialog, has smooth contours on for either or both of the displays, and is displaying in Wireframe mode.
View Refresh Timing
There is also a View Refresh Timing option to toggles telling the user in the status bar the amount of time for loading the display in the Map and 3D Views.
System Event Logging
From this dialog, there is also an option to log system events by enabling the "Display Events" box in the "System Event Logging" section.
Enable Logging
From this section you can enable logging and modify the settings. Go to LP360: Additional Logging Information - GeoCue for more information and suggested settings.
The EXP tab contains experimental features that change rapidly. Use with caution.
Max Triangle Area:
Limits triangulation to triangles having a size less than specified. Caution: Can cause odd behaviour in display and other functions where a TIN is used.
TrueView Experimental Settings:
POSPac Processing Offset: LP360 determines the kinematic start and end of each flight and then buffers by this value to use as the start/end times for POSPac processing. Positive buffer expands the time, negative buffer cuts more off the start/end of flight.
Smoothing Point Cloud:
The polynomial order will increase the smoothing but take more time to compute, the difference is nearly indiscernible on normal datasets both in terms of results and execution time. There is also the option to smooth 3D or vertical only. 3D is useful for photogrammetric aka dense image matching (DIM) point clouds.
PCT Settings:
PCT Settings: #Cores: Defaults use all available cores. Setting a specific number allows the user to limit the resources that LP360 will utilize when executing some PCTs.
Number of Points:
LP360 automatically divides the LAS Layer into processing blocks for executing PCTs. Each PCT uses a pre-defined value for sub dividing the data independent of the file structure. This setting overrides that creating blocks of the specified number of points.
Agisoft Ortho Mapping:
For TrueView, microdrones, and DJI guest sensors, the orthomosaic can be generated and the image positions and orientations refined using Agisoft Ortho Mapping, that is an add-on license to LP360 Drone, called Desktop Photo with Agisoft. Desktop Photo with Agisoft consists of a “Full Photo” (new name for the legacy “Fast Photo” license) or a “Photogrammetry with Agisoft” add-on license, plus an Agisoft Ortho Mapping license that must be separately activated. Images may also be processed in the Cloud version for Agisoft Ortho Mapping using points purchased in the Reckon or LP360 Store and requires no separate Agistoft Orho Mapping license activation.
The activation uses standard HTTPS protocol (via default system TCP port). Access to ( is required.
True Pose® images may also be processed in other photogrammetric packages, such as PIX4D and Bentley’s ContextCapture, using the Export Photo Package tool, but is not tightly integrated like Agisoft Ortho Mapping or Ortho Mapping.
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