Displaying the Live View Dialog
*Live View is available in all license levels of LP360.
Live View is a point filter in LP360 (all versions and levels) that incorporates:
Live View is an LP360 tool used to build and save point filters and rendering symbologies into named sets (called filters). Live View is a live dialog, meaning that you will see the display respond each time you make a change of a setting. This is far faster than making settings, hitting an Apply button, changing, reapplying and so forth.
Overview of the Live View Dialog
The Live View dialog is invoked by pressing the Live View tool on the main LP360 toolbar. The Live View dialog is depicted below.
Note: Live View controls both Symbology (color, point size, mapping an attribute such as elevation ranges to a color) and Filtering (generally turning points on or off based on a value or range of values). Rendering mode and Attribute Mode are controlled outside of Live View by the display mode tools on the LP360 main tool bar.
The following subsections describe the top level controls in Live View.
Live View can now display a subset of metadata regarding the active LAS layer. An example is the number of points in each classification. LP360 maintains a metadata file named “xyz.scan” where “xyz” is the name of the LAS file. The Scan files are maintained in the LAS file directory.
LP360 creates the Scan files by reading all of the points in the associated LAS files. Obviously, this can take some time for a large project, so we track when these files need to be updated by comparing the timestamps of LAS files to the time stamps of Scan files.
Scan files are never automatically updated since this would create a frustrating user experience. Scan files are updated by:
- Scan functions in LAS File Analyst (LP360 only)
- Scan buttons on some of the Live View tabs
If LP360 thinks that the scan files are up to date, the Scan button will show a green check mark.
If Scan files are out of date, the Scan button will display a warning icon.
You can abort an in-progress file scan by pressing the ESC key.
The Renderer option is used to select which renderer your filter applies – Points, TIN or Merged (both).
Note that the two renderer “channels” are carried in the same named filter. For example, if you set up a filter for showing the ground as a TIN and all other classifications as points, you would first set the renderer radio button to Points and enable all but ground. You would then switch the radio button to TIN and set only the ground points on. You could then save this as a named filter.
Note that when you change the radio button to “merged”, the Points filter is copied to the TIN filter and they become identical. The previously set values for the TIN filter are lost. You will receive confirmation dialog if you select “Merged.”
Filter is the current named filter being selected and potentially modified in Live View. If you are in the midst of modifying a filter, this drop-down will read “<name>” where “name” is the name of the filter that has been selected such as “canopy.” The angle brackets (“< >”) indicate that the filter has been modified from its original state. If you select another filter or dismiss the Live View dialog, you will be prompted to save or discard the modified version of the filter.
System Filters
System filters are preset filters supplied with LP360 that cannot be permanently modified by the user. They are indicated by the word “System” following their name (see Figure 11). There are three system filters supplied with the initial release of 2018.2:
All Points (System) – No active filters, enabling display of all points in the data set. The Rendering channel is “merged”
Ground (System) – This enables Class 2 (the ASPRS standard for ground) only. The Renderer is set to Merged. You should note that some data that you receive may have ground points in the now deprecated Model Key Points class 8.
Canopy (System) – This filter enables Classes 3, 4 and 5, the vegetation classes. The renderer is set to Merged.
If you modify a System filter, its name will appear enclosed in angle brackets. You can then either save this modified version under a different name or abandon your changes.
Import/Export Filters
Allows you to export filter settings to an .xml file. Any filter that has been exported can then be imported.
The floppy disk icon invokes the Name/Rename/Update dialog. The operations are:
Update – update the definition of the filter in the “Filter” dropdown to reflect the current state. Note that the name of the current filter will be surrounded by angle brackets (as in “<canopy>”) if it has been modified and not yet saved. Note that you cannot update a System filter.
New – Create a new named filter (with the name to be keyed into the field) with the current filter settings
Rename – Rename the currently displayed filter. Note that this field is disabled if the current filter has been modified (since all that makes sense in this case is to create a new named filter or update the modified filter)
If you have modified a filter and then select a different filter without saving the modified version, you will be prompted to save or discard your changes.
The delete tool deletes the current named filter. Be careful in deleting a named filter since this action cannot be undone. Note that you cannot delete a System filter.
Point Size
The point size tool allows you to:
Specify that the point size is to be determined by the Symbology (this is with the drop-down set to “L Use Legends”). Using Legends allows you to individually set point size based on one or more attributes.
Explicitly set the point size by selecting a number from 1 to 10 in the dropdown. Note that the selected size applies to all points and overrides the individual symbology.
Synchronize Views
There are currently three views in LP360 where filters can be applied:
Map View
3D View
Profile View
The Synchronize Views toggles lock views together when changing the named filter associated with a view or with the Live View dialog itself.
Display Updates
This setting lets you decide whether your settings in Live View will make changes to the display on-the-fly or whether you will manually apply the changes to sync any changes you have made. Use the refresh button to update the display and apply your changes manually.
Filter On Indicators
Each tab of the Live View dialog contains a filter icon to the left of the tab name. If this tab is greyed out, nothing on this tab is currently filtering data. If the icon is colored yellow, at least one filter criteria is being applied by the tab. This provides you with a quick way of determining if filter criteria are being applied.
Off Selector on Tabs
Each tab of Live View now has a radio button selector that allows you to turn the tab settings off. This allows you to turn off the effects of the tab without individually turning all setting off.
Random Colors
Tabs in Live View that support colorization have a tool to assign Random colors. Select the rows in a table to be randomized and press the tool. Each press of the tools will assign a new set of random colors.
Selecting Rows
Most operations in Live View operate only on Selected rows of a table. For example, if you press the Settings tool on the Classification tab, it will operate only on the currently selected rows in the table. Selected rows are generally highlighted in blue.
Selections in rows are the same as in Windows Explorer. Ctrl + Select adds/removes rows to the selected state. Shift + Select adds (or removes) rows between a selected group and the Shift selected row. “Ctrl A” selects (or deselects) all rows in the table.
Single Mode Select
Single Mode can be toggled on and off and ensures that only one row will be checked at a time. Available for Point Source ID, User Data, and GPS Time.
Sorting by Column
The rows of tables in the Live View tabs can be sorted by the value in a column by clicking the column header.
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