Did you know that you can "tune" how LP360 uses memory? This is accomplished via the Performance tab on the LAS Layer Properties dialog (Figure 1). A word of caution is in order before modifying these settings. If you are running a 32-bit version of LP360 (and, unfortunately, LP360 for ArcGIS® is forced to be 32-bit because ESRI has not ported their desktop applications to 64-bit as of yet), you will be severely limited in the amount of memory available to do tuning. If you are able to use LP360 x64, you are using a 64-bit operating system and have extended physical memory; you will see some significant improvements via these tuning parameters. Thus, if you are using LP360 for interactive editing of LIDAR data, move to Windows 7, 64-bit and put 16 GB of RAM in your machine - you'll be cooking with gas! Read more... Adjusting LP360 Memory Usage
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