In configuring a set of control points or check points for use in the Control Points Report Dialog, it is best to follow the convention below to make the most use of the Drive Mode shortcuts available within the toolbar for navigation and filtering. The fields either need to exist in the shapefile or may come from an ASCII file that is then converted to a shapefile using the Import ASCII XYZ+ functionality within the File drop-down in the top left-hand corner of the LP360 window.
Desc - Description of the point, as it is entered in the ASCII file.
FID - The full unique ID of the point.
Name - The name the point is given in the ASCII file.
Type - The point's type, according to the following convention. Note: Type is case sensitive prior to v2024.1.17.0.
- FC - Full control point - X, Y, and Z
- HC - Horizontal aspect of the control point - only X and Y
- VC - Vertical aspect of the control point - only Z
- FK - Full check point - X, Y, and Z
- HK - Horizontal aspect of the check point - only X and Y
- VK - Vertical aspect of the check point - only Z
The following types were introduced in v2023.1 for the Accuracy Star workflow:
- AS - Accuracy Star
- SN - Survey Nail
- ST - SmartTarget
- CB - Checkerboard (Auto-Find in v2023.2)
- CV - Chevron
The following type was introduced in v2023.3:
- CO - Concentric Circle (Auto-Find in v2023.3)
See Control vs Check Points for clarification on the differences. See the LP360 Short Tutorial - Control Report for a video tutorial with the Control Points Report dialog.
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